Request for Proposals – Gap Park ‘n Ride Renovation

Request for Proposals (RFP)

Fort Indiantown Gap Park n’ Ride Renovation Project

The County of Lebanon Transit Authority, dba Lebanon Transit, is requesting Proposals for a “Fort Indiantown Gap Park n’ Ride Renovation located at Route 934 and Mill Road, Annville PA 17003.

Proposals will be accepted at 200 Willow Street, Lebanon, PA 17046, until Tuesday, January 7, 2025, at 1:00 P.M., Prevailing Time.

Proposals and Agreements are subject to all applicable Federal and State laws and to a Financial Assistance Agreement between Lebanon Transit and the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.

Proposers are required to comply with all Non-Discrimination, Non-Collusion, Debarment and Contractor Integrity Laws and regulations and to certify they are not on the Comptroller General’s List of ineligible contractors.

Lebanon Transit solicits and encourages Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) participation. DBE’s shall be afforded full consideration of his/her response and will not be subject to discrimination.

Lebanon Transit reserves the right to postpone, to accept or reject any and all Proposals, in whole or in part, or waive informalities as it deems to be in its best interest.

Conformed drawings are available upon request.

NO late Proposals will be accepted or considered. Lebanon Transit will not be responsible for late postal delivery service nor will postmark dates be considered in honoring Proposals. Late Proposals will be returned unopened and unread. Misdirected submittals will not be accepted.

Copies of the RFP are available by contacting Theresa Giurintano, Director of Special Projects, at 200 Willow Street, Lebanon, PA 17046, by calling 717.274.3664, by email or on the Lebanon Transit website here: Gap Park n Ride Renovation – Full RFP.

Agreements are subject to all applicable Commonwealth and Federal Laws and to a Financial Assistance Contract between Lebanon Transit and the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.

All costs incurred by the Proposer in the development of his/her Proposal in responding to this RFP are the sole responsibility of the Proposer. No such costs will be reimbursed by Lebanon Transit. Furthermore, Proposer must not include such costs as part of his/her Proposal to perform any work described in this RFP.

Sealed Proposals and questions regarding this Project should be addressed to:

Ms. Theresa L. Giurintano

Director of Special Projects

200 Willow Street

Lebanon, PA  17046



Franklin Shearer, Chair

Angela Luciotti, Executive Director

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