ELCO Expansion Project

Lebanon Transit is proposing to expand Fixed Route bus service from Lebanon City through Myerstown/ELCO to Womelsdorf.

We want to hear from you! There are 3 ways to tell us what you think:

Attend an in-person workshop:

  • February 19, 5:30 – 6:30pm @ Myerstown Library
  • February 25, 11:00am – Noon @ Myerstown Senior Center

Drop into a virtual office hour anytime (All held on February 17):

Complete a survey:

Paper copies are available at the Myerstown Library. Or fill out the online survey below:


ELCO Expansion Project Online Survey

Lebanon Transit is proposing to expand Fixed Route bus service from Lebanon City through Myerstown/ELCO to Womelsdorf. We want YOUR feedback to ensure we plan this expansion in a way that will work for the community.

Very unlikelySomewhat unlikelyNot sureSomewhat likelyVery likely
Based on how you would get to/from a bus stop, how LONG would you travel for to do so?
Based on how you would get to/from a bus stop, how FAR would you travel to do so?
How much would you be willing to pay for a single (one-way) trip?(Required)
What methods of payment would you like to use to pay fare?(Required)
Select all that apply.
How long would you be willing to ride on the bus to get to your destination?(Required)
When would you be most likely to use new bus services?(Required)
Select all that apply.
Which days would you most likely use new bus services?(Required)
Select all that apply.

Contact Information (*Optional)

We appreciate your feedback. As a thank you, if you would like to be entered into a drawing for a chance to win one $25 gift card to Dutch-Way, please enter your contact information below.



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